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the school run中文是什么意思

用"the school run"造句"the school run"怎么读"the school run" in a sentence


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  • Especially because you said you ` d do the school run
  • Especially because you said you d do the school run
  • Tax policy applied to the schools run by social forces
  • Even the school run is under attack from ministers who want parents to choose the local option
  • Comment on the school running of higher vocational colleges in fujian province from the features of industrial economic development
  • As the school runs a history of close to 40 years , we have former students , teachers and staffs in every possible fields of expertise , and not to mention every possible corners of the world
  • The ethics of teachers is the important sign of the capability and standard for running a school and also the competitiveness of quality and benefit that the school runs a school
  • Hondas survey also reveals that if half of parents on the school run agreed to take just one additional child in their car , over 500 , 000 cars would be removed from uk roads at peak times
  • A new group called the alliance against urban 4x4s has carried out protests against people who drive 4x4s , which are particularly fuel - greedy , and recently targeted parents who use them for the school run
    一个名为“反对城市4x4s联盟”的新兴团体组织了抗议活动,反对人们驾驶4x4s ,一种特别耗油的车型,最近该组织又把矛头指向了使用4x4车型接送孩子上学放学的家长。
  • The thesis also points out from the practical layer that " baoying model " is in fact " to free the rich and support the poor " , which means " to widen the superior educational resources with the money from the schools run by the people ( not by the government ) .
    本文还在从实践层面上指出: “宝应模式”实质就是“放优扶弱” ,借助民资,放大优质教育资源,集中财力,扶持薄弱学校改造,推进教育均衡化。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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